Dog Birthday Party Inspiration

I have been seriously thinking about throwing Stanley an adoption party (or a late birthday party) before the baby arrives. I was doing a little searching on Pinterest and found the most adorable dog party. From the doggie bags, to the cute dogs, to all of the decorations, I have to have one now!

The original post and photography is from One Charming Party and Amy Atlas.

Have you ever thrown a dog a birthday party? Or, am I crazy for wanting to do this for Stanley?



Favorite Thing: Bark at the Park at Kauffman Stadium

We decided to take our dog Stanley to the Bark at the Park for the Royals game on Sunday at Kauffman Stadium. We were a little nervous about going because Stanley gets scared with large crowds of people. He did an amazing job and we were so proud of him.

It’s the fourth year that they have been putting on this event (our first year to attend) and it was presented by Bayer K9 Advantix II. Stanley even got his Bayer scarf to wear! Before the game, you can walk your dog around one area of the stadium and visit multiple vendors. We got a few treats from Three Dog Bakery (Stanley’s favorite). With the ticket purchase, you get a canine bag dispenser and place a donation to Wayside Waifs.

The event was amazing! I highly recommend it if you like to spoil your puppy. Be sure to check it out next year. We will definitely be going back.

Have you been to Bark at the Park?



Happy Birthday, Stanley!

I am completely obsessed with my dog.

There, I admitted it. I also may have mentioned him on the blog before with the Stan’s favorite things post, a recipe post, a print I purchased and many more times. If you don’t remember him, he’s a large black labradoodle that we adopted in North Kansas City when he was 1.5 years old. He’s my first dog I have ever had (my mother hated dogs but now she owns a black labradoodle – copy cat) and our world revolves around him.

Today is his birthday and he is now four years old! I can’t believe it. Even though he acts like an annoyed teenager with me most days, I know he loves me. Or, maybe he is just annoyed that I have given him 20 names (Stanley, Stan, Bubby, Puppy, Pumpkin, etc).

Happy birthday to my little puppy! And, yes, I will be throwing him a birthday/adoption party this summer. I’m one of those people….



Favorite Thing: Pop Doggie Artwork

Pop Doggie is a shop on Etsy where you can purchase dog breed magnets, dog art and custom dog prints. I recently purchased a Stanley (our black labradoodle) print. It hangs proudly over his dog bowl and leash.

Be sure to check out Pop Doggie’s Etsy site and their facebook page. I love their artistic take on the funny things our dogs do.

Here are some of my favorites:

Images from Pop Doggie.

Which one are you going to get?



Stanley’s Favorite Things.

Hi, friends,

I’m Stanley. I live at Ellen’s house until I finally get enough money to move out on my own. I’m thinking of moving in with William and Kate. They suit my tastes better.

Until that happens, I wanted to write about what everyone is dying to know – my favorite things.

Yep, that’s me. I know I am cute. How else do you think I get to run the household?

Here are my favorite things:

I’m cuter than the dental bone models.

I’m sooooooooo cute.

Golden vanilla ice cream is delicious.
Meeting new friends.
My parent’s always are following me – why can’t they leave me alone?

Leave me alone, mom!

Every dog must have at least three dog beds. Don’t you agree?
I’m signing off for a productive day of napping. I look forward to talking to you again soon.

