Gender Reveal: Scratch-off Cards


On Tuesday afternoon, my husband and I went to get our half-way point ultrasound and doctor’s appointment. During this appointment, we found out the gender of our baby.

On Wednesday evening, we took our parent’s to dinner and gave them scratch-off cards to reveal the gender. We wanted to do something different than what we have seen other couple’s do but keep it really casual. We asked our parents to sit around the table, gave them a coin and waited for their response. By the way, we also asked them to wear the color of what they thought the baby would be – they all showed up in blue.

And, it’s official. Parent’s are always right.

We are having a healthy baby boy. Our parents are completely ecstatic and so are we. I am going to be surrounded by boys!

Here’s how I created the scratch-off cards (which would be good for things besides just gender reveals like homemade coupons, greeting cards or fun games):

What you need:

  • White card stock from Paper Source
  • Silver acrylic paint from Hobby Lobby
  • Paint brush from Hobby Lobby
  • Dish soap
  • Sticky backed plastic (clear shipping tape or clear contact paper)

What to do:

Make your design or download this gender announcement listed below.

Print the design onto your white card stock paper.

Take the sticky backed plastic (I used clear shipping table) and apply to the correct area onto the design.

Mix your silver acrylic paint with your dish soap. You need 1 part dish soap to 2 parts paint. Mix well.

Paint the plastic part of the card and then let dry. You might have to do another coat if you can still see through it.

After the card is dry, it’s ready!

Then scratch off one to test it!

    I went ahead and created three versions (blank, boy and girl) for you to download.

    Download the blank version here. 

    Download the boy version here.

      Download the girl version here. 

      Check out our pregnancy announcement details here.

      How did you tell your family what the gender of your baby was? Or, how do you plan to tell them?

      Where to find us:
      Facebook. Twitter. Pinterest.



      Our Holiday Cards.

      What’s the perk of knowing someone that does everything?
      My Pinterest Inspiration

      You want flowers for your wedding? Done and are amazing. You want an anchor necklace? Done and it’s beautiful. She casually brings up taking pictures a year ago? Ask her to do your Holiday card picture. And, it’s perfect. 

      Thank goodness I have Emily of Emmy-Ray, White Table Style and Middle of the Map Weddings, and that she is a close friend that only charges me with friendship, sugar cookies, laughter and wine.

      I had found this image on pinterest and added it to my inspiration board. I wanted our holiday pictures to have lots of plaid and highlight the beautiful colors of fall. I shared the image with Emily and then we were off – well, we grabbed my husband and dog.

      I just made the Holiday cards but won’t share them until after I send them out! I don’t want my family and friends to see them yet. Here are a few of our favorite pictures.

      Thank you, Emily!
