Favorite iPhone app: Shapely

When I purchased my first iphone, I knew it would change my life. The great thing about it, the iphone continues to delight me to this day, with new apps and updates. The Shapely app was actually created and developed right here in Kansas City, by a wife and husband duo, Becca and Chris Jones. You can read more about their journey on their blog: Before and After Brookside. This app is pretty amazing. It lets you create logos and enhance images with shapes, text and additional shapes. I have only used it a few times, but I have so many ideas of how I can create more with it. To learn more about the app, check out their web site here.

Here is one I created of Leila when she was playing in the snow a couple of weeks ago. She is so cute, its hard not to use her as my model. Another fun feature within the app is changing the texture of the image. On this one I used paper, so it looks like it was actually printed on a card stock.

This is one of the first screens in the app, where you select the shape. You can upgrade and buy the full version for $1.99 to get even more shapes.  

In this screen you can select the color/pattern of the border, as well as the actual background image/pattern/color.

This is the screen of my gallery. As you can see, I created one for the holidays using one of the patterns provided within the app. 

At the end of your creation it has options to share on all the social channels, making it easy to spread your creation among your friends. Hope you enjoy it as much as I do!

Au revoir,

Let’s be friends:

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