Setting the Table: Summer Movie Preview

As part of the continuation of our popular Setting the Table series, we asked our friend Mitch to provide his summer movie preview.

I met Mitch in 2007 when we worked at a local Kansas City advertising agency. He’s a great guy, fabulous friend and a movie buff.

Jamie and I are extremely excited to go see Magic Mike this summer – don’t judge us!


Summer Movie Preview
The official beginning of summer may not be until June 20 according to your calendar, but for Hollywood, summer kicks off in early May.  The summer box office has already had its share of hits (The Avengers with $523 million and counting) and misses (Battleship with $44 million and sinking).  However, with Memorial Day now in the books, the real battle for your box office dollar begins.  Here is your guide to all of the biggest movies coming to a theater near you this summer!


Snow White and the Huntsman(June 1) – The ever-annoying Kristen Stewart stars as Snow White alongside the ever-beautiful and talented Charlize Theron as the Evil Queen.
 Prometheus (June 8) – Charlize Theron has been a busy lady!  Theron stars alongside Noomi Rapace (The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo) and Michael Fassbender (X-Men: First Class) in Ridley Scott’s is-it-or-isn’t-it-a-prequel-to-Alien sci-fi film. 
Rock of Ages (June 15) – Tom Cruise as an idolized 80s hair band god?  Apparently someone saw it.  Ages is the film version of the popular Broadway musical of the same name.  Catherine Zeta Jones (Chicago) and Julianne Hough (Footloose) also star.
Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter(June 22) – And the winner for most ridiculous and, at the same time, awesome movie title of the summer goes to Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter.  The title pretty descriptive as to the plot of the movie – Lincoln is hunting vampires in pre-Civil War America.  Hmmmm.
Magic Mike (June 29) – This one is most definitely for the women.  Magic Mike is loosely based on star Channing Tatum’s (The Vow) own personal life story as a stripper – pre-Hollywood success.
The Amazing Spider-Man (July 3) – Tobey Maguire unofficially started the superhero craze when he starred as the web slinger in 2002 (and then for the sequels in 2004 and 2007).  Now, Andrew Garfield (The Social Network) and Emma Stone (Easy A) get a chance to reboot the series.
Ted (July 13) – Okay, just hear me out on this one.  This is the story of a man and his teddy bear, “who comes alive as a result of a childhood wish.”  BUT, it’s written by Seth McFarland, the guy behind TV’s Family Guy and it’s rated R for crude, sexual content, language and drug use.  Sounds promising, right?  Mark Wahlberg (The Departed) stars.
The Dark Knight Rises (July 20) – Arguably the biggest, most anticipated movie of the summer is the final Batman film in Christian Bale’s trilogy.  After the last Batman movie made $533 million, it’s between Rises and The Avengersfor the box office win.
The Bourne Legacy (August 3) – This is the first Bourne movie without Matt Damon’s Jason Bourne.  This go-around stars Jeremy Renner (The Avengers) as Aaron Cross, a different CIA operative in Bourne’s former outfit.
The Campaign (August 10) – Zach Galifianakis + Will Ferrell + a baby-punching incident = a potentially hilarious end-of-summer comedy.
The Expendables 2 (August 17) – The action stars of the 80s and early 90s finally have a steady job – sequels to the surprise hit 2010 film The Expendables.  In this installment, Liam Hemsworth (The Avengers) joins Stallone, Schwarzenegger, Willis, Norris and Van Damme.
Enjoy the show,

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