Setting the Table Series: Fashion Friday with Quinn.

As part of the continuation of our popular Setting the Table series, we asked our friend Quinn to share her fashion inspirations and outfits. The best part – she is our newest feature fashion contributor.

Do you remember her post two weeks ago? Isn’t she just the cutest? I am also super jealous of her hair. Yes, I might have a girl crush.


Day Light Come.

Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice! Who would have thought creepy wonderful Beetlejuice would really nail the market on stripes?! I’m not going to lie, I wear black and I wear it a lot. What better way to do it then in b&w stripes and with spring corals and dirty olive green! Happy Day-O to all! Check out my blog here.

jacket- willow and clay
sandals- dolce vita
necklace & earring- Francesca’s
assorted rings and bracelet
sunglasses- flea market find

Recipe: Summer Brew.

I love making summer brew. It’s the best way to celebrate the beginning, middle and end of the summer. I always make a batch when we have friends come over for a backyard party, small gathering or just on a Sunday for some day drinking.

My recipe uses tequila which confuses a lot of people. Even if you don’t like tequila you will love this summer brew!  It’s great, it’s strong and it will go fast.

Summer Brew.

Recipe Credit: Ellen’s cousin.
Photo Credit: Ellen (by my iPhone).


  • 24 ounces of Tequila
  • 24 ounces of Modelo Especial
  • 24 ounces of 7-up
  • 24 ounces of lemonade concentrate (semi-thawed)
  • Cut-up fruit (grapefruit, oranges, limes and lemons)


  • Put ice in your serving container.
  • Add all liquid ingredients.
  • Add cut-up fruit.
  • Stir and serve.

Do you have a favorite summer brew recipe?



Setting the Table: Hungry appetites for The Hunger Games.

As part of the continuation of our popular Setting the Table series, we asked our friend Mitch to post about movies and parties. Today, he is sharing how to have your own The Hunger Games party. If you know me, you know that I am completely obsessed with The Hunger Games. I was able to even attend a pre-screening of the movie! I also convinced Mitch to read the books and go see the movie. We are actually going to see it together as our second time watching it. I can’t wait!
I met Mitch in 2007 when we worked at a local Kansas City advertising agency. He’s a great guy, fabulous friend and a movie buff.


Hungry appetites for The Hunger Games.
The Hunger Gamesis nothing short of a phenomenon.  And after making $155 million dollars in its first three days of release in theaters, there’s little room to think otherwise!  Knowing that Ellen is also a huge Hunger Games fan, I decided to compile some fun Hunger Games-inspired food for everyday menus.  Food is a very important part of The Hunger Gamesbooks and these recipes are perfect for any day meals – not just special occasions.  All recipes can be found here.
 It’s always nice to have a light snack available while you’re waiting for your main course to cook.  While you wait, prepare some goat cheese wrapped in basil leaves.  This special “Reaping Day treat” will be a great appetizer to your meal.  Here is the simple recipe for the goat cheese.

The lamb stew is not only Katniss’ favorite dish at the Capitol – but just about the ONLY thing she likes about being away from home.  Here is a great recipe, actually based on a Julia Child recipe.

Without giving away any plot points to those who haven’t read the books or seen the movies, one of the significant pieces of food in the first book may be the bread District 11 sends Katniss during the games.  As a perfect companion to your lamb stew, here is a great recipe for “District 11 Bread”.

For dessert, try one of the many bakery items that Peeta describes from his family bakery back home in District 12.  One of my favorites would be the Goat Cheese and Apple Tarts.  Goat cheese mixed with apples is ALWAYS a favorite of mine.  If there is room left after your lamb stew and bread, here’s the recipe to the dessert.

 If you haven’t already joined the masses in reading the books or seeing the first movie, maybe this Hunger Games-inspired menu will get your interests piqued!
Enjoy the show – and “May the odds be ever in your favor,”

Easter Brunch.

I love Easter as it always brings back great childhood memories. When I was growing up, we would either go visit my mother’s family in Tennessee and go to a large Country Club with all of the family for the kids to run around with the Easter bunny and sneak the desserts off of the buffet. Or, we would stay in Missouri with my father’s family and go to our local Country Club for more Easter bunny time and still sneaking desserts off of the buffet. And, of course I was in my new pastel Easter dress!

Image Source: Brabourne Farm.
While we haven’t made plans this year for what we are doing for Easter, I have been searching Pinterest to remind myself of all of the brunch items that make it Easter for me. Here are my favorites:
Eggs, Bacon and Toast Cups from Kayotic Kitchen.
Roasted Asparagus with Ham from Kayln’s Kitchen.
Deviled Eggs from A Food Centric Life.
Easter Egg Sugar Cookies from Baking Bits and Bobs.
Grass and Egg Easter Cupcakes from Food and Whine.
What’s your favorite food from your Easter brunch? What are your plans for this Easter?

It’s a Girl Thing at Halls.

On Thursday, I am heading over to the Halls event – It’s a Girl Thing – with one of my sorority sisters. The event is this Thursday from 5-8 at the Plaza Halls location. If you want to RSVP you have to do it by today! Call 816-274-5900.

The party includes:

  • DJ Steve Thorell
  • Drinks and appetizers
  • Lots of prize opportunities
  • Meet the following fashion representatives: TOMS, Genetic Denim, Trajet Jewelry
  • Makeup experts to help with spring trends
  • More details here

I hope to see you there! I’ll be live tweeting at the event so be sure to follow us @whitetablestyle.



Whimsical Bird Nursery

A few months ago, we featured a pinterest board on a nursery inspiration for our friend Joanna who was expecting a little girl. The sweet, little girl made her grand entrance into the world in March, and her nursery was all ready for her. Joanna selected a gender neutral pattern, that is very whimsical and light, perfect for a baby’s nursery. The pattern as you can see on the quilt on the rocking chair has a lot of pretty swirls and little birds. I know Joanna has always been fond of birds in designs, so it was no surprise to me when she selected this pattern. She collect little bird cards and other trinkets she found that included birds to display around the room. She made her mobile out of felt birds (that she also made) so it would fit perfectly into her theme. I think it turned out darling, but I might be a bit biased. Congrats Joanna to your new bundle of joy and this beautiful room!


Fashion Friday: It’s all about the Maxi

I have posted about this before, but I love a fabulous Maxi dress. They are fun and versatile – not to mention everywhere this spring. Here are a few of my favorites. I recommend these with a great chunky heal, or if that makes it too short a strappy flat sandal. I can’t wait to leave the house in one of these without a coat! Have you bought one or a maxi skirt?


Strappy Maxi Dress from F21

Calvin Klein Tie Die Maxi

Tile Burst Maxi from Anthropologie

One Shoulder Maxi at Piperlime – ON SALE RIGHT NOW!

Striped and Sheer from GUESS?

Thank You Stationery.

I like to use handwritten thank you notes (when I remember!). Who doesn’t love receiving something in the mail? Especially if you have taken time to do something for someone else and you receive a thank you card from them. My favorite thank you cards are the ones for no reason other than being a good friend.

If you are like me and like to send out cards, you will need great stationery. I currently use monogrammed cards for all of my mail that I send; however, I have been looking to add to my stationery collection. Here are a few of my favorite finds (I absolutely love Tiny Prints and Minted):

If you have issues on what to write, check out this article on how to write the perfect thank you note.
Also, if you are getting married, a wise friend told me to buy small thank you note cards (or we used the monogram cards I mentioned above). With an actual card, you have to write more while on a note card you only have a few lines to write your thank you. It’s very sneaky and worth it when you are writing 200+ thank you cards.
What kind of stationery do you use? 